Wicked women of the Raj by Coralie Younger (Book Review)

Read on May 1, 2011. 

An excellent book which go to explain how English and Irish women used their charms to seduce Indian Prince(s) and Kings/ member of royal families of India.

Book explain in detail as to how these wicked women used Indian elite and their property etc. For themselves and for their families overseas. However many of these English women died in the state of misery/ mental illness after they realised that no one in India and/or even the British Raj declined recognition to their marriage to Indian Prince(s). An excellent account of events during the British Raj.

Books also talk about Indian Kings/ Prince etc. And their attitude towards India pre and post Indian independence. Many of them married English women to keep them in their Harem only. There elite remained more or less loyal to the Britishers.


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