Tuesdays with Morrie

I read this book in flat two days. This book is really a gem. A masterpiece! Journey from life to death is explained in a simple and uncomplicated manner. You read 188 pages and I am sure, your perspective towards life changes. Mitch Albom, in this thesis ( it is indeed a thesis on life, death & conversations of a dying person with a middle aged person ), give a detailed account of discourse by his mentor, guru, counsellor – his teacher... Morrie Schwartz. Personally, I never came across such a teacher so far whom i can idolize and look forward for guidance or direction towards life which Mitch got from Morrie. .... people say.. When you are ready ... the master will appear... I am waiting for that experience. I am just penning down certain golden phrases/ statements by Morrie as given in the said book, which are beyond doubt life transforming: 1. Once you learn to die, you learn how to live. 2. ...