Gaddafi’s Harem By Annick Cojean

Gaddafi’s Harem By Annick Cojean

This book will, for sure, is going to bring tears in your eyes. The book is horrific account of life of a little school girl Soraya, who was one of the latest addition to Gaddafi Harem. She suffered endless torture, rape and abuse by Gaddafi and his militia. 

Annick in this book bring to fore the disturbing suffering of females of Libya during reign of Gaddafi. 

Even after elimination of Gaddafi, things are not under control, or rather it has become more worse. Today, Syria has collapsed and refugees are fleeing to Europe looking for greener pastures and to have a decent re-start to their life. All this, I personally feel, started by west and developed nations who created these militia's for their own political motives against other developed nations, and now see what we all are getting as a ‘Return Gift’. 

I do not know, where we all are heading to, but I do not see bright and peaceful survival for our generations to come. 

I also fail to understand where is UN and where are Human Rights Activists, and why no one could contain what is going on in Libya, Egypt and Sirya. I think, time has come to scrap United Nations and a new robust and effective Organisation could be established…just a wishful thinking. 

Read this book…not as novel, but as a true account of sufferings of girls from this part of the world. 

I pray to God (which one… I am also confused…there are so many… Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Christian, Islam, Jew, Parsi…list is endless) to put all these sufferings to an end and let all live in peace and harmony…..  I know… arms manufacturers must be praying otherwise. 

Anyway, give it a read and drop your feelings and comments on my blog. Please do not criticise any religion… all are equally good and bad… its all in its implementation and following. 

I rate this book as 10/10. 



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