A Hermit in the Himalayas: by Paul Brunton

A Hermit in the Himalayas: by Paul Brunton

Yesterday, I concluded reading this book. Paul in this book is simply describing his experience of staying in Himalayan region of Tehri and other nearby places. Through this book author is trying to explain you yogi’s principle of staying alone in the state of meditation, rejuvenating oneself and then go back to the world and face it with all new strength and vigour. He is also trying to explain the that one in his lifetime need some time to explore oneself and talk to the inner soul and nature and seek guidance. 

The author, takes you to his Himalayan journey in simple manner and explains you what majestic Himalayas can offer you. There are certain important teachings in the book, my favourite being:

 “Nature is the mother of every man aspiring towards truth, peace, and happiness, yes, and will help him….but the child which wants to stay for ever in the safety of its mother’s lap will never become a real adult- Paul Brunton”.

What a lovely thought! 

Another one which I feel must be shared with my readers:

"How many of our sufferings arise then from our resistance? Nature places a gentle finger upon us at first but turn roughly away. The call to entrust our lives to a higher power comes in softest whispers, so soft that unless we withdraw for a while and sit still we can hardly hear it, but we stop our ears. 

Submission which would bring us peace, is farthest from our thoughts. The personal self, with its illusive reality, deceives us, and deceiving enchain us.--Paul Brunton".

This is so true!

I have been to various Himalayan cities in Uttaranchal region and I must admit the majestic Himalayas have some message for everyone. Watch a sunrise, sitting all alone, at peace, no disturbances, no mobile phones, no camera….nothing between you and the Himalayas and the Himalayas will definitely deliver its divine message….but you should be receptive to it. Try it….once, you will not regret. Our sages, yogis, celebrated buddhists are not there in the Himalayas for ‘no-reason’. 

There are many more such messages in the book. 

This is one my suggested reading for everyone. 

Best regards,




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